How To Buy Good Olive Oil is something that I often get asked.
Like with so many ingredients that we use, often times, the quality of the oil can make a difference in the outcome of the kitchen creation..
How To Buy Good Olive Oil - A Mediterranean Diet Guide
This is a simple to follow guide to purchasing and using olive oil.
As you probably already know, olive oil is essential to the Mediterranean diet.
Olive oil is most often associated with the Mediterranean diet.
This association has a lot to do with the olives that are used to make olive oil originating from the Mediterranean region of the world. However, olive oil is also popular because of its many uses as well.
Do you want to learn more about the Mediterranean Diet?
Find out how to follow the Mediterranean Diet here.
People ask, what is olive oil good for.
Thanks to the wonderful and unique flavor of olive oil, there is a variety of uses for it.
Even if you simply enjoy olive oil as it is on top of a salad, you will probably appreciate the great taste of the oil.
However, researchers tell us that there are some healthful benefits associate with olive oil.
Olive oil is said to be a heart healthy oil. It is also good for fighting off the effects of LDL (the 'bad cholesterol').
You may be wondering what type of olive oil is best.
When you have gone to the store to purchase olive oil, you may have noticed three kinds of olive oil on the shelf. There are many more kinds of olive oil but, most commonly you will see three 'grades' that are used in the kitchen for cooking and eating.
When it comes to consumable olive oil, there are two kinds that are commonly used.
Regular olive oil is best for using in recipes and may also be blended with other ingredients.
Extra virgin olive oil is more pure and thus, more flavorful, making it better in salads or for dipping bread into.
How to Buy Good Olive Oil- pouring oil into bowl
Some people ask, what kind of olive oil is the best.
The quick answer is, it depends on what you intend on using it for.
Many people like to cook with olive oil, use it to make dressings, or enjoy it with bread. This is because it is widely believed that olive is the oil can be both a healthier and tastier option than many other oils that are available.
However, when it comes to buying olive oils, there are many different options available.
Yes, it is easy to be unsure of what constitutes a good quality olive oil and where you can buy a good quality olive oil. Here is a guide for how to look for good quality olive oils, where to buy these, and what is available.
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By the way, while you are here you may also be interested in these related recipes.
- Mediterranean Diet Olive Oil Potatoes.
- Orange Polenta Cake Made With Olive Oil.
- Chocolate Chip Cookies Made With Olive Oil.
- Delicious Spinach and Beet Salad.
- Portobello Steaks in Garlic Sauce.
- Mediterranean Diet Apple and Walnut Cake.
- How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet.
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How to Buy Good Olive Oil- Cooking With Olive Oil
What you should know about Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is graded as being extra virgin if it meets several criteria. Firstly, the olives are naturally pressed rather than having the oils chemically extracted. This is why many people consider extra virgin to be the purest and the best grade of olive oil.
Olive oil must meet certain tests for acidity and peroxide levels.
To be considered extra virgin, the olive oil must pass the taste test. It must taste purely of olives and not have any flavors that experts would consider to be defects.
Tips for buying olive oil
The best way to know if olive oil is of good quality or not is to taste it. Good quality oils will predominantly taste olives.
Here are some more great tips for you.
- Olive oil can other flavors in it. There may also be undertones of other pleasant tastes, such as banana or grass.
- Lower-grade olive oils often taste nothing due to the processes that have taken place in producing them. A poor quality olive oil may have some unpleasant flavors, such as a metallic taste.
- It can be a mistaken belief that you can tell the quality of olive oil by looking at the color. It is not necessarily true that greener olive oil will be of better quality than yellow olive oil.
- Specialty olive oils and flavored olive oils can be a great idea for occasions such as parties or gatherings. Examples of these are olive oils that have been infused with truffle, chili, or garlic. These specialty oils are ideal for dipping bread or for dressing a salad. Specialty olive oils are often made with good quality olives.
How to store olive oil.
Olive oil should be purchased in a bottle that is tinted in order to protect it from light.
It should be stored in a dark place that is also cool but, not cold.
Reading the label on the olive oil before you buy it is essential.
The label will tell you important information such as the purity of the product and if there have been other kinds of oil or ingredients added to the oil. Also important, is the expiration date or use by date.
How To Buy Good Olive Oil, An easy to follow and basic choosing and using guide for followers of the Mediterranean Diet.
Olive oil dispenser bottles can help you keep a small amount of olive oil available for quick use while you store the bulk of the oil for later use.
Also, olive oil sprayers are helpful too.
I like to spray extra virgin olive oil on lettuce and vegetables. However, you can also use the sprayer to spray olive oil on bread or even popcorn!